Contact and Appointments

Sue Dinsdale Ltd

Tel: +44 7951 051864
Twitter: @suedins


Please also use my contact form.

When to phone

Monday to Friday

8:00am until 5.30pm


Fully Insured

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Supervision and Coaching

School Leadership can often become overwhelming. Individual Coaching can help the thinking process and allow for independant confidential opportunities to develop ideas and consider options. 

Supervision can strengthen safeguarding and contribute to the professional development and personal well being of a range of staff including teaching assistants and pastoral support staff.


Sue uses a mix of counselling, supervision and coaching to ensure that an individuals needs are met. Her understanding of the life within schools, safeguarding, well being and mental health issues means that individuals can explore a range of circumstances in order to reflect on their practise, develop personally and professionally and identify areas for improvement both within both their working and personal life - leading to an improved work/life balance, reduced sickness and happier workforce.


My services at a glance:

  • One to one supervision/coaching
  • Small Group Supervision
  • Performance Coaching for Senior Leaders
  • Work/life balance coaching

The Power of Thinking


"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

  Albert Einstein


"The quality of everything we do depends on the quality of the thinking we do first"

  Nancy Kline


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© Sue Dinsdale Ltd